

Here is the basic environment information:

  • OS: Win10 / Mac OS / Linux

  • Python: 3.6~3.8

Dependency Package

Dependencies requirement:

  • rsa >= 4.0

  • qrcode >= 6.1

  • pillow >= 6.0.0

  • requests >= 2.22.0

  • pycryptodome >= 3.8.1

  • requests_toolbelt >= 0.9.1

  • gmssl >= 3.2.1

  • PyExecJS >= 1.5.1 (the version of Node.js is v10.15.3 for my personal environment)

Pip Install

Run the following command in your terminal (Python should be in the develop environment):

pip install DecryptLogin

Source Code Install


Run the following command in your terminal (Python and git should be in the develop environment):

pip install git+


First, you should clone the project in your computer:

git clone

Then, you should enter the project directory by running the following command:

cd DecryptLogin

Finally, you should run the following command in your terminal (Python should be in the develop environment) to install DecryptLogin:

python install