Simulated Login


For users who only want to simply obtain the login-in session, it is recommended to use login.Login. Specifically, here is an example:

from DecryptLogin import login

# the instanced Login class object
lg = login.Login()
# use the provided api function to login in the target website (e.g., twitter)
infos_return, session = lg.twitter(username='Your Username', password='Your Password')

The api functions for logining in the corresponding websites all support the following arguments:

  • username: the username for login in the target website,

  • password: the password for login in the target website,

  • mode: pc/mobile/scanqr, using the default setting is recommended,

  • crack_captcha_func: a user-defined captcha identification function, the input of this function is the image path of captcha and it should return the recognition result of captcha,

  • proxies: use proxies during the simulated login, the supported formats of proxies is the same as Requests.


login.Client leverages the instanced website client to perform logining operation. Specifically, the codes could be implemented as follows:

from DecryptLogin import login

# the instanced client
client = login.Client()
# the instanced weibo
weibo =
# use the login function to login in weibo
infos_return, session = weibo.login('me', 'pass', 'scanqr')

The instanced websites all support the following arguments:

  • reload_history: whether try to reload the corresponding historical session saved in the computer.

The login functions for logining in the corresponding websites all support the following arguments:

  • username: the username for login in the target website,

  • password: the password for login in the target website,

  • mode: pc/mobile/scanqr, using the default setting is recommended,

  • crack_captcha_func: a user-defined captcha identification function, the input of this function is the image path of captcha and it should return the recognition result of captcha,

  • proxies: use proxies during the simulated login, the supported formats of proxies is the same as Requests.

Supported Websites


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session =, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported since the sms code is always required when you want to login in PC Mode.

2.Mobile Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session =, password, 'mobile')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported since the sms code is always required when you want to login in Mobile Mode.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session ='', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of weibo to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.douban(username, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.douban('', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of douban to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.github(username, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.music163(username, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.music163('', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of music163 to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.zt12306(username, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported since the sms code is always required when you want to login in PC Mode.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.zt12306('', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of zt12306 to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The pc mode has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.QQZone('', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of TIM or QQ to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The pc mode has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.QQQun('', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of TIM or QQ to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The pc mode has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.QQId('', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of TIM or QQ to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.zhihu(username, password, 'pc')

The crack_captcha_func can be defined as follow:

def cracker(imagepath):
    return 'LOVE'

The mail is recommended to be as the username.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.zhihu('', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of zhihu to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.bilibili(username, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported since the sms code is always required when you want to login in PC Mode.

2.Mobile Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.bilibili(username, password, 'mobile')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported since the sms code is always required when you want to login in Mobile Mode.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.bilibili('', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of bilibili to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The pc mode has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.toutiao('', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of toutiao to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The pc mode has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session ='', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of taobao to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The pc mode has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.jingdong('', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of jingdong to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.ifeng(username, password, 'pc')

The crack_captcha_func can be defined as follow:

def cracker(imagepath):
    return 'LOVE'

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session =, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session =, password, 'mobile')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.zgconline(username, password, 'pc')

The crack_captcha_func can be defined as follow:

def cracker(imagepath):
    return 'LOVE'

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.lagou(username, password, 'pc')

The crack_captcha_func can be defined as follow:

def cracker(imagepath):
    return 'LOVE'

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.twitter(username, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.twitter(username, password, 'mobile')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The pc mode has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.eSurfing('', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of eSurfing to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.renren(username, password, 'pc')

The crack_captcha_func can be defined as follow:

def cracker(imagepath):
    return 'LOVE'

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.w3cschool(username, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.fishc(username, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.youdao(username, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.baidupan(username, password, 'pc')

The crack_captcha_func can be defined as follow:

def cracker(imagepath):
    return 'LOVE'

The sms code is always required for secondary verification when you want to login in PC Mode due to the security mechanism.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.stackoverflow(username, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.codalab(username, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.pypi(username, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The pc mode has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.douyu('', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of douyu, TIM or QQ to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.migu(username, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.qunar(username, password, 'pc')

The crack_captcha_func can be defined as follow:

def cracker(imagepath):
    return 'LOVE'

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.mieshop(username, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.mpweixin(username, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported since the qr code scanned by wechat is always required for the secondary verification when you want to login in PC Mode.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The pc mode has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.baidutieba('', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of baidutieba to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The pc mode has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.dazhongdianping('', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of dazhongdianping to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.jianguoyun(username, password, 'pc')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.cloud189(username, password, 'pc')

The crack_captcha_func can be defined as follow:

def cracker(imagepath):
    return 'LOVE'

2.Mobile Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.cloud189(username, password, 'mobile')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The pc mode has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.qqmusic('', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of QQ or TIM to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The pc mode has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.ximalaya('', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of ximalaya to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The pc mode has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.icourse163(username, password, 'mobile')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The pc mode has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.xiaomihealth(username, password, 'mobile')

The user-defined crack_captcha_func has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The scanqr mode has not been supported.


1.PC Mode

The pc mode has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session = lg.tencentvideo('', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of QQ or TIM to scan the qr code to login in the website.


1.PC Mode

The pc mode has not been supported.

2.Mobile Mode

The mobile mode has not been supported.

3.Scanqr Mode

The sample codes is as follow::

from DecryptLogin import login

lg = login.Login()
infos_return, session ='', '', 'scanqr')

Then, you can leverage the APP of baidu to scan the qr code to login in the website.

Utility Functions


1.Save cookies

You can save the session cookies as the following example:

from DecryptLogin.modules.utils.cookies import saveSessionCookies

session = requests.Session()
infos_return = saveSessionCookies(session=session, cookiespath='PATH to SAVE COOKIES (e.g., cookies.pkl)')

The explanation of the arguments:

	save the cookies in requests.Session
	--session: the requests.Session object
	--cookiespath: the file path to save cookies
	--encoding: the encoding of the file for saving cookies
	--infos_return: return the flag of whether save the cookies successfully, if fail to save, also return the detailed error information

2.Load cookies

You can load the cookies into a requests.Session as the following example:

from DecryptLogin.modules.utils.cookies import loadSessionCookies

session = requests.Session()
infos_return, session = loadSessionCookies(session=session, cookiespath='COOKIES PATH to be LOADED')

The explanation of the arguments:

	load the cookies into requests.Session
	--session: the requests.Session object before loading cookies
	--cookiespath: the file path of the saved cookies
	--encoding: the encoding of the cookies file
	--infos_return: return the flag of whether load the cookies successfully, if fail to load, also return the detailed error information
	--session: the requests.Session object after loading cookies